We went to the beach again. It's our favorite way of spending weekends. Kids love to play in the water and
Zosia is always excited to see new places. This time there was no sand just granite rocks. There were some tidal pools full of see weeds and miniature ocean life.
Zosia was looking for tiny fishes(her favorite creature nowadays) and baby crabs. I wanted to take some portraits but believe me, it was a very difficult task with two little active girls. I kept yelling "
Zosia don't run you are going to fall and whale is going to come and eat you". I know I'm a bad mother:)
Kolejny weekend
na plazy.
Dziewczynki uwielbiaja odwiedzac nowe miejse szczegolnie,
gdy sa one
nad woda.
Tym razem bylismy na kamienistej plazy w
poblizu starego kamieniolomu.
Zosia bawila sie w
malych jeziorka pozostawionych przez odplyw.
Szukala rybek i
Amelka nie spuszczala oczu z
siostry i
jej poczynan.
Chcialam zrobic kilka zdjec rodzinnych, ale
ciezko bylo skoordynowac dwie siostry i
zmusic je do
odpowiednich poz.
Zosia ciagle uciakala do
Caly czas straszylam ja,
wileorybami ktore zjedza ja jak Pinokia jesli mamy nie bedzie sluchac:)
Amelka siadaj i patrz na mame:) It's a challenge to force the little one to sit still and pose..
These sea weeds are fabulous...
Self timer picture:) you can tell that kids are not really interested and why mom keeps saying to look at the camera if there's nobody behind it:)