Friday, July 30, 2010

Wild Flowers...

One of the many advantages of living in the suburbs are free wild flowers:) Whenever I have some spare time I go on the flower hunt. The biggest pleasure is to make arrangements out of them. Who would think that these beauties are common flowers growing in the fields?!

Have I told you that I've always wanted to be a florist? This is my little dream. Who knows maybe one day you will be buying flowers from me:)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fun on the daylily farm!

We went to the daylily farm on Sunday. It wasn’t as much fun as we wanted it to be because of the heat. Zosia destroyed few flowers and waited for our plants to be dug out in a nice shady spot. She didn't have any energy to run. It was very unlike her.
We got some marvelous species. Unfortunately ma camera died and I didn’t get many pictures. I guess it didn’t like the weather either:) Zosia got a baby plant as a gift from the owner. We’ll see what it turns to. It is too small to tell what kind of daylily it is.

I’ve been loving daylilies since I was a little girl like Zosia. They have amazing rich flowers and they last only one day. You can’t use them as cut flowers because they are too sensitive to changes. New England seems to be a daylily heaven. You can find them everywhere. The daylily farms have endless fields planted with thousands of flowering plants. You can pick your own from the field.

Now to the less exciting part which is planting:(

The little destroyer

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pigeon Cove...

We went to the beach again. It's our favorite way of spending weekends. Kids love to play in the water and Zosia is always excited to see new places. This time there was no sand just granite rocks. There were some tidal pools full of see weeds and miniature ocean life. Zosia was looking for tiny fishes(her favorite creature nowadays) and baby crabs. I wanted to take some portraits but believe me, it was a very difficult task with two little active girls. I kept yelling "Zosia don't run you are going to fall and whale is going to come and eat you". I know I'm a bad mother:)

Kolejny weekend na plazy. Dziewczynki uwielbiaja odwiedzac nowe miejse szczegolnie, gdy sa one nad woda. Tym razem bylismy na kamienistej plazy w poblizu starego kamieniolomu. Zosia bawila sie w malych jeziorka pozostawionych przez odplyw. Szukala rybek i krabow. Amelka nie spuszczala oczu z siostry i jej poczynan. Chcialam zrobic kilka zdjec rodzinnych, ale ciezko bylo skoordynowac dwie siostry i zmusic je do odpowiednich poz. Zosia ciagle uciakala do wody. Caly czas straszylam ja, wileorybami ktore zjedza ja jak Pinokia jesli mamy nie bedzie sluchac:)

Amelka siadaj i patrz na mame:) It's a challenge to force the little one to sit still and pose..

These sea weeds are fabulous...

Self timer picture:) you can tell that kids are not really interested and why mom keeps saying to look at the camera if there's nobody behind it:)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sophie's counting!

Guess who have taught her how to count? Television!!!! Oh well we are very busy parents:)
Zdolna Zosia liczy do 10ciu. Nauczyla sie tego z telewizji. DZiekujemy Ci TV:)

Maternity photo session!

My dear friend Basia visited us few days ago. She's expecting her first child (a baby boy). I thought that it would be a great idea to take few pictures. I had not done any maternity session before but as for the first time pictures came out pretty good. Basia was very patient with all my ideas and a great model!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I know, I'm crazy about them;)

Too bad you cannot smell them.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Little things that made my day!!!

Finally we got the much needed rain. I guess my rain dance helped:) It feels nice to be able to breath again and sleep at night. All my plants are happy too except for those that have already died from heat.

The last lily from my collection started to bloom. Sorry forgot the name, it is an orienpet. Each flower is larger than my hand. Can't wait for the next year, I've already purchased more of the orienpet's that are scheduled to ship in October. They are the most amazing from the lily family. Dzieki tato za porade:) Jestes najlepszym ogrodnikiem!!! Mam nadzieje, ze kiedys Cie przescigne...

And the last but not least. Baby A. stood by herself for the first time with just a little support:). Time flays like crazy. It feels like she was just born. The best advice to the new mothers is to enjoy every single moment with your baby because they grow up too fast.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to survive hot weather with kids!

Heat plus kids equals to time spend in the pool or something that can be filled with water.
How to get started?! It is easy, ask your daddy to clean the pool and fill it with water:)
Place all your toys in the water...
It's essential to watch what big sister does and copy her:)

Now you can enjoy hours of undisturbed fun!!!

Garden Update!

Almost all the flowers died while we were gone over the weekend. The temperatures have been in the mid 30's Celsius(over 90 degrees Fahrenheit). The only plant that still produces beautiful flowers and doesn't mind this unbelievable heat is Mount Zion daylily. Every day it opens up one of its gorgeous flowers. The unfortunate thing is that each one of them lasts only one day. I think I should get more of these plants. There is a great daylily nursesry very colose to our house. I think, I'll be shopping next week:)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Little vacation!

We've just come back form the first vacation as a family of four. Our friends invited us over to their house on Long Island for the long weekend. We had a unbelievable time. We were served a superb food and wine and visited beautiful beaches. Thank you Stasia and Darek!!!