Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rockport and the big brother!

Amelka finally had a chance to meet her big brother. He came from Poland for a short visit. Both girls are in love with him. The little sister giggles whenever he's around. It's always good to have an older brother, isn't it? I wish a had one:)
We showed him our favorite ocean towns.
Rockport Massachusetts is one of them. There are lots of tiny cute houses nestled on the cliffs and great seafood. As you can see we had a lobster for dinner.

Live lobsters... Cooked lobsters.

There's nothing better than fresh lobster;) Scary sticker:)Some ice cream after dinner.
Made in USA Princess... The Krolewicz family.

1 comment:

  1. Same radoĊ›ci w ten sobotni popoludniowy dzien, az milo popatrzec. Wszyscy usmiechnieci i zadowoleni.
    W Rockport jest taki specyficzny "klimat" i atmosfera, tam jest cudownie o kazdej porze roku.
    Nasza Princessa jest uracza i od malego podrywa facetow za palec.
    caluski - baba M
